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2 bed Flat to buy

Brady street, whitechapel , London, E15DW

Main Features
  • Furnished

  • Total area: 1000 ft² / 305 m²

  • Freehold


this is a 2 bedroom flat near Whitechapel staten

  • 2 Bedrooms

  • 2 Bathrooms

  • 2 Living Rooms

  • 2 Parkings

Local Transport Links
  • Whitechapel Station Royal London Hospital (Stop B)0 Mile
  • Cambridge Heath Road (Stop E)0 Mile
  • Underground-Whitechapel0.1 Mile
  • Whitechapel0.1 Mile
  • Cavell Street (Stop W)0.1 Mile
  • Sidney Street (Stop F)0.1 Mile
  • Darling Row (Stop M)0.2 Mile
  • Bethnal Green Rail0.3 Mile
  • Underground-Stepney Green0.5 Mile
  • Underground-Bethnal Green0.5 Mile
  • Underground-Aldgate East0.7 Mile
  • Underground-Aldgate0.8 Mile
  • Cambridge Heath0.9 Mile
  • Liverpool Street1.0 Miles
  • Fenchurch Street1.1 Miles
  • Direct Ferries1.8 Miles
  • Lower Road Surrey Quays Stn (Stop M)2.0 Miles
  • Out on the Thames2.1 Miles
  • Temple (Stop O)2.2 Miles
  • Uber Boat by Thames Clippers3.0 Miles
  • Emirates Air Line Cable Car - Royal Docks3.4 Miles
  • Tate Boat3.5 Miles
  • Victoria Coach Station4.3 Miles
  • London City Airport4.8 Miles
  • Woolwich Ferry Terminal North5.3 Miles
  • Brettenham Road (Stop G)6.8 Miles
  • Golders Green (Stop GV)6.8 Miles
Property Features
  • Air Conditioning

  • 24 hour concierge

  • Washer

Local Amenities
  • Barbers


The information displayed about this property comprises a property advertisement that has been produced by agents, landlords, developers, management companies or other independent interested parties. Move Box makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the advertisement or any linked or associated information. Move Box has no control over the content and the information provided and the information or advertisement shown does not constitute property particulars. The name and contact details of the producer and uploader of this advertisement is stated on this page, please contact them directly for further information.

Unique Identification Code: F77TOI4RG4

Property Code : GA21


No Floor image available at the moment.


No documents available.

  • Whitechapel Station Royal London Hospital (Stop B)0 Mile
  • Cambridge Heath Road (Stop E)0 Mile
  • Underground-Whitechapel0.1 Mile
  • Whitechapel0.1 Mile
  • Cavell Street (Stop W)0.1 Mile
  • Sidney Street (Stop F)0.1 Mile
  • Darling Row (Stop M)0.2 Mile
  • Bethnal Green Rail0.3 Mile
  • Underground-Stepney Green0.5 Mile
  • Underground-Bethnal Green0.5 Mile

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£750 per month